Service Highlights

We take care of the details for you

Allegro Escrow provides first-rate tools, products and services to efficiently manage customer payments.  With knowledgeable customer service staff, online account management tools, multiple payment options, and much more, customers can rest assured they are working with a company focused on protecting their interests. Allegro provides complete account services including the following:

Friendly customer service and 24/7 online account access

Detailed year-end statements and annual interest reporting

Accurate balance tracking and detailed payment histories

Secure document management

Tax and Insurance Impounding

Multiple payment options including online payments, pay by phone and credit card payments through MoneyGram

Advantages of Third Party Escrow

There are many advantages to using a third party escrow agency to service your loan. When you sell your property and accept a Promissory Note secured by a Deed of Trust or Real Estate Contract you take on the risks and responsibilities of being a lender. Some advantages to using third party escrow are:

  • A neutral party accepting payments, computing interest, principal and late charges. This eliminates future disputes over balances owed and protects the buyer’s credit history
  • Secure holding of original documents until the account is paid in full and recording of documents after payoff
  • Setting up reserve accounts for the payment of taxes and insurance, with annual recomputation to update tax and insurance amounts paid
  • Eliminating the need to release your social security number to the other party. Both parties will use our TIN (Tax Identification Number) to report to the IRS

Why Allegro Escrow?

Allegro Escrow Services, Inc. provides superior service at competitive rates. We do our best to ensure that our customers are satisfied at all times. Some of the services we provide are:

  • Electronic deposit of funds into the seller’s account at no cost
  • Automatic debit for buyers at no cost
  • Notification of payment sent to both seller and buyer when payment is received
  • Letters sent to buyers notifying them of an upcoming balloon payment or due in full date
  • Customers can view account histories detailing all payments made using our web page. Accounts are updated daily
  • Year end reporting of annual interest paid